The Curse of the Beer Wagon Driver

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 9143 Familien Eis 0h 28m 34s
2 9103 EY - hold 1 0h 28m 58s
3 8977 OJ Electronics Hold 1 0h 30m 14s
4 8869 BTEX, Region Syddanmark 0h 24m 7s
5 8865 PFOA, Region Syddanmark 0h 31m 21s
6 8619 Hasberg 0h 32m 21s
7 8520 KonVio 0h 31m 52s
8 8491 DMS, Region Syddanmark 0h 31m 24s
9 8435 Ventilen 0h 35m 39s
10 8391 TCE, Region Syddanmark 0h 29m 17s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 8073 Sangfuglene 0h 37m 54s
2 7547 De seje tøser 0h 34m 34s
3 7143 Greece Team 2 0h 31m 38s
4 7092 Team Sherlock 0h 44m 1s
5 6743 Die Föhrer 0h 47m 6s
6 6231 Urlauber 0h 52m 38s
7 6021 Autodidakte Synkromsvømmer 1 0h 35m 0s
8 6007 Autodidakte Synkromsvømmer 2 0h 48m 38s
9 4573 Landsby-øl 0h 54m 40s
10 4195 Holmgaard 0h 41m 21s
11 4120 Mor + 2 møgunger 0h 45m 5s
12 3711 Stjerne-øl 0h 59m 49s
13 2776 Greece Team 1 0h 55m 57s
14 2672 Autodidakte Synkromsvømmer 3 0h 57m 8s
15 608 Zigzag 0h 59m 11s

A Journey in Time

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 6600 Die Anjus 0h 56m 28s
2 6450 Momo og hundende 0h 47m 9s
3 6450 Birgits Geburtstagssause 1h 15m 18s
4 6300 We are a big Zero II 1h 14m 6s
5 6250 A-Holdet 1h 15m 12s
6 5950 Hundene 0h 43m 18s
7 5950 The Østers gang 0h 53m 38s
8 5800 2xM&S 0h 53m 22s
9 5800 Sabine D2 1h 24m 6s
10 5750 Data- og Økonomi - Hold 3 1h 0m 15s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 5150 Ronny 1h 19m 49s
2 5150 Flemming 1h 9m 7s
3 3950 Team frø 1h 2m 21s
4 3700 GCM01 1h 2m 35s
5 3200 The Gloor-ious 1h 47m 15s
6 3050 Hopps 0h 57m 15s
7 2750 De hurtige snegle 1h 11m 52s
8 2250 Hold 3 0h 48m 24s
9 2250 Camilla Svensson 1h 55m 4s
10 2050 Monkeys 1h 15m 20s
11 2050 Tøseklubben 1h 28m 13s
12 1900 Hold 1 1h 12m 24s
13 1550 Hold 2 0h 54m 59s
14 750 Die alte Frau 1h 37m 5s
15 -900 Svensson 1h 26m 3s

The Heart of the Gendarme

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 7000 Team Høgsbjerg 1h 7m 23s
2 6900 Møgungernes forældre 0h 55m 41s
3 6900 Grønanderne 1h 9m 48s
4 6900 Beredskabet - Hold3 1h 12m 46s
5 6800 Team Y 1h 4m 47s
6 6800 HolmOlesen 1h 7m 26s
7 6800 Mosegaard banden 1h 12m 30s
8 6800 Det' bare nogen jeg passer 1h 15m 58s
9 6800 Gendarmerne 1h 18m 57s
10 6800 Rhj 1h 23m 47s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 6800 Gendarmerne 1h 18m 57s
2 6150 Hundene 5h 50m 16s
3 6050 Familieslænget 1h 11m 5s
4 6000 Team Blowcart 1h 59m 41s
5 5550 The Pilkos 3h 7m 34s
6 5150 Team Mauer 1h 42m 2s
7 5100 BØSK 1h 21m 45s
8 4800 Bruce Wayne og Tim Drake Team 2h 51m 50s
9 4050 Team Skruk 2h 4m 6s
10 4000 Team Lars 4h 32m 4s
11 3650 Flyvende farmor 2h 23m 8s
12 3050 Kildebankens detektiver 2h 22m 22s
13 2850 Svanberg 1h 48m 8s
14 2600 Vallensbæk-Nybøl 1h 14m 16s
15 1800 VictoriAMF 2h 1m 59s

The missing Crown Jewels, nutcracker version

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 7000 Persot 0h 41m 16s
2 6900 Team Melee - London blue eys 0h 44m 38s
3 6800 TeamBellis 0h 54m 3s
4 6750 Jyderne 1h 0m 26s
5 6550 Team Scubas 0h 41m 52s
6 6200 High on life 0h 37m 58s
7 6200 Marie og B-holdet 0h 44m 23s
8 6050 AL DENTE from Slovenia 1h 29m 55s
9 5950 Team Mania - Poland 1h 14m 34s
10 5900 Team Phoenix 1 1h 3m 53s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 6800 TeamBellis 0h 54m 3s
2 5950 Team Mania - Poland 1h 14m 34s
3 5900 Team Phoenix 1 1h 3m 53s
4 5350 Stisos Helte 0h 52m 1s
5 5300 FabFour 1h 18m 24s
6 5150 T Terminators 1h 11m 27s
7 5100 Poirot team 2h 12m 20s
8 4850 Rolly 1h 3m 59s
9 4750 BülowAndersen 1h 26m 7s
10 4300 Team Phoenix 3 1h 7m 23s
11 3950 S $eekers 1h 4m 47s
12 3200 Team Phoenix 2 1h 27m 35s
13 2550 Pete&Leonie 1h 11m 25s
14 950 Ganghoferstrasse 0h 58m 44s
15 -1150 Damerne 0h 59m 50s

The missing Crown Jewels, family version

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 6900 IU-Sjælland 0h 28m 41s
2 6900 Kæft 0h 32m 36s
3 6600 Nano Bello Team - Italy 0h 40m 39s
4 6550 Team HKA Hold1 0h 40m 3s
5 6550 Vinderne 2h 24m 49s
6 6300 A Team 0h 33m 22s
7 6300 Hyggebanden 0h 34m 50s
8 6000 Villadsen 0h 41m 59s
9 5950 Elliot_Ines 0h 36m 5s
10 5800 Team Unicorns 0h 42m 22s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 6600 Nano Bello Team - Italy 0h 40m 39s
2 6550 Team HKA Hold1 0h 40m 3s
3 6000 Villadsen 0h 41m 59s
4 5950 Elliot_Ines 0h 36m 5s
5 5650 TeamGM 0h 46m 54s
6 5600 Shepherds out for fun 0h 46m 27s
7 5100 Frenchmonster 1h 23m 9s
8 5050 Sidensvansarna 0h 44m 49s
9 4950 The ConPa Team 1h 6m 17s
10 4600 Team Jimmy 0h 36m 31s
11 4600 Familien Pio 0h 41m 42s
12 4250 Team HKA Hold2 0h 53m 55s
13 3450 Team Lønstrup 0h 59m 38s
14 3400 Familien Arp på tur 0h 35m 47s
15 3350 Les belges à Copenhague 0h 42m 3s

The Round Tower’s Secret

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 5100 FiDeL Gamers 1h 24m 6s
2 5000 Pigerne fra Als 1h 29m 5s
3 4650 Fam WonderLand 1h 7m 26s
4 3750 Slow Hand Girls 0h 59m 15s
5 3750 First Time In Copenhagen 🙂 1h 21m 27s
6 2250 Olesen von Rip Eyes 1h 19m 40s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 5100 FiDeL Gamers 1h 24m 6s
2 5000 Pigerne fra Als 1h 29m 5s
3 4650 Fam WonderLand 1h 7m 26s
4 3750 First Time In Copenhagen 🙂 1h 21m 27s
5 3750 Slow Hand Girls 0h 59m 15s
6 2250 Olesen von Rip Eyes 1h 19m 40s

Dark Enchantments

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 7000 Karen Thæne 1h 0m 50s
2 7000 Team Hercule Poirot 1h 20m 57s
3 7000 Team Sherloch Holmes 1h 24m 31s
4 6988 Hejsel-Skovsgaard 1h 6m 15s
5 6988 Mullers 1h 12m 15s
6 6988 Poker team 2h 7m 48s
7 6976 Team Carl Mørch 1h 26m 54s
8 6976 Breinholt sisters 1h 37m 27s
9 6963 Ellemose Lorentzen 0h 53m 37s
10 6957 Hundene 1h 39m 34s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 7000 Team Sherloch Holmes 1h 24m 31s
2 7000 Team Hercule Poirot 1h 20m 57s
3 6988 Poker team 2h 7m 48s
4 6976 Team Carl Mørch 1h 26m 54s
5 6925 Team L. 9h 57m 46s
6 6907 Granvænget 2h 20m 14s
7 6851 Team Miss Marple 1h 41m 42s
8 6819 De svangre 1h 35m 35s
9 6758 Systematic Interns 1 2h 45m 35s
10 6495 Cowland 1h 27m 58s
11 6257 Team Tune 1h 16m 46s
12 6087 Nordic Power 2000 4h 8m 29s
13 5856 Blue Army 2h 9m 22s
14 5382 Holbøllerne 1h 16m 6s
15 5201 Systematic Interns 2 1h 33m 0s

The Mad Fisherman

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 7000 De gængse aalborgensere 0h 49m 12s
2 7000 Novo Nordisk 3 0h 50m 5s
3 7000 5 sild i en tønde 1h 5m 49s
4 7000 Vodskov Team 1 1h 25m 7s
5 6900 A+L 0h 46m 10s
6 6900 Team Chalotte 1h 11m 27s
7 6900 Team BB & Carlo 1h 25m 48s
8 6900 Novo Nordisk 2 1h 28m 33s
9 6900 Shrekylicious 1h 30m 29s
10 6800 Team MJ Polterabend 1 0h 58m 29s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 7000 5 sild i en tønde 1h 5m 49s
2 6900 Team BB & Carlo 1h 25m 48s
3 6500 Gunns Roses 1h 5m 8s
4 6400 2 plebs på tur 2h 15m 31s
5 6300 Test af tur 4h 21m 48s
6 6300 Dem fra Hjallerup 2h 12m 16s
7 6200 Frankfurter 2h 11m 3s
8 5700 Team E&S 1h 55m 44s
9 5500 Team SH 1h 22m 52s
10 5350 Karins piger 1h 18m 36s
11 5200 Bavnild Jensen 1h 26m 34s
12 4700 Sofie og Far 1h 27m 41s
13 4050 Petalie 1h 19m 35s
14 3400 Holdet 1h 31m 28s
15 2250 Advocadogroerne 2h 4m 6s

Bewitched Apples

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 5900 Brabranditterne 0h 41m 37s
2 5750 The Liendgaards 0h 44m 10s
3 5650 Darth Legarth 1h 3m 12s
4 5550 MTB Boeslum 0h 58m 32s
5 4550 Mødregruppen 0h 52m 2s
6 4550 Vilde med vilje 2h 20m 54s
7 4350 Team Eriksen 0h 57m 35s
8 3900 Hamburg AusFlug 1h 48m 35s
9 3850 Æbeltoft hold 2 1h 11m 33s
10 3800 Turister for én dag! 1h 28m 48s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 5900 Brabranditterne 0h 41m 37s
2 5750 The Liendgaards 0h 44m 10s
3 5650 Darth Legarth 1h 3m 12s
4 5550 MTB Boeslum 0h 58m 32s
5 4550 Mødregruppen 0h 52m 2s
6 4350 Team Eriksen 0h 57m 35s
7 3900 Hamburg AusFlug 1h 48m 35s
8 3800 Turister for én dag! 1h 28m 48s
9 3500 Ridderne fra Aarhus 1h 4m 51s
10 2650 Forheksede æbler 1h 40m 59s
11 2550 Hindsholm Jordbrug I/S 0h 50m 12s
12 2500 Vi kommer altid igen 1h 6m 31s
13 2350 Team Nørgaard Corydon 0h 53m 14s
14 1150 The Brawlers 0h 35m 27s
15 250 We come from Ipswitch 2h 37m 52s

Assist the Authorities

Top 10

# Points Team name Time
1 6550 Test of budapest 0h 48m 4s
2 6450 Hundene i Budapest City 1h 13m 31s
3 5500 Assistance by Andersson 1h 32m 35s
4 5350 Simon & Julie 2h 9m 34s
5 5250 Badabing does it again 1h 41m 6s
6 5000 Gramma - Tick - Switzerland 1h 38m 39s
7 4750 Team Nicola 2h 33m 8s
8 4250 Help is on its way Mia & fam 1h 51m 6s
9 3100 Team Bolyai 1h 14m 7s
10 2800 Golden German Sailboats 1h 55m 9s

The last days

# Points Team name Time
1 6550 Test of budapest 0h 48m 4s
2 5350 Simon & Julie 2h 9m 34s
3 5250 Badabing does it again 1h 41m 6s
4 5000 Gramma - Tick - Switzerland 1h 38m 39s
5 4750 Team Nicola 2h 33m 8s
6 3100 Team Bolyai 1h 14m 7s
7 2800 Golden German Sailboats 1h 55m 9s
8 2650 Gramma - Trick - Switzerland 1h 54m 38s
9 2600 Team Verissimo dos Santos 2h 2m 41s
10 2450 Team JFS 1h 48m 34s
11 2450 We tried 1h 41m 13s
12 2350 Camille et Frédéric 5h 21m 19s
13 1750 Gramma - Track - Switzerland 1h 37m 33s
14 1200 Lancier 1h 40m 42s
15 -750 Buds Besties - UK 2h 4m 39s